Can we talk about Konsa

Can we talk about Konsa

I've kind of been tracking that he hasn't played that well overall this season, but in our past run of games he's been a downright liability. Last season we could count on him being proactive in dealing with threats before they became an issue, but this season he's kind of just a passenger. Both Arsenal goals he was just ball watching and not marking anyone or helping out. At this point high balls that are kicked toward him that should be dealt with easily give me extreme panic and we've given up multiple goals in recent weeks off simple balls that he should have dealt with and plenty of other opportunities that should have never surfaced. I've seen people make excuses that he's been switched positions and had different CB partners, but that was true last season as well. Plus switching to Mings as his partner feels like a much bigger upgrade than switching to Lenglet as his partner. I hope the Loic Bade transfer goes through, because he is definitely a proactive defender and either it lights a spark under Konsa and he gets back to the player he was last season or Bade takes over as starter.

Ok, let's try if this GME setup match or not

Ok, let's try if this GME setup match or not

VIX closed the 15m gap and seems ready to spike/gap up ![img](gd18mkewtjee1 "VIX 15m chart") ![img](azr4jxm1ujee1 "VIX daily chart") IWM (Russell 2000 ETF) is fucking bullish ![img](k2sx01r6ujee1 "IWM 15m chart") ![img](qbl9tjk7ujee1 "IWM daily chart") Also silver exited the daily downtrend , probably BTC need to drop because metals are stronger now ![img](orurdcxaujee1 "SILVER daily chart") BTC seems ready to drop according to daily chart fakeout and to lower "gaps" ![img](0yh3mwpeujee1 "BTC daily chart") For what concern GME there are multiple bullish factors that match with all previous charts (For example the GME basket), but let's dig better: Let's start with GME cycles in daily chart ![img](i3fpnfgjujee1) 2021 cycle before boom (orange low segment) inside the bigger multiday cycle ![img](utsi4n2mujee1) May multi day cycle before spike (orange low segment) before boom inside bigger cycle ![img](83d14dusujee1) And...last but not least, nowadays cycle that start a bullish uptrend (started yesterday) and the exact moment before the biggest spike match with that box (23 jan probably is the biggest movement) ![img](uw5yhghvujee1) Let's see if all match or not. Personally I'm feeling extremely bullish As for me, I like the stock

$5 nudes/$20 custom vids/$50 25 min sexting (20y/o white petite girl)

Efficient NumPy Array Processing: Handling Floats and Arrays

Master NumPy Array Processing for efficient data manipulation! Learn how to expertly handle floating-point numbers and arrays, optimizing iterative processes for large datasets. We explore practical examples and techniques to boost your code's speed and readability, crucial for robust scientific Python programming. Discover how to efficiently process both scalars and arrays using NumPy's vectorized operations, avoiding explicit loops for significant performance gains. Enhance your skills with advanced techniques like custom threshold functions, maximum iteration counts, different reduction operations (mean, standard deviation), logging for debugging, and robust error handling for non-numeric data. Unlock the power of NumPy for faster, more efficient data analysis! #NumPyArrayProcessing #DataScience #PythonProgramming #ScientificComputing #DataAnalysis #ArrayProcessing For more information, please visit our website:

New Blockbusters in USA?

With Miskatonic U coming to the US this year courtesy of chaos league, which other genres or canon would you like to see in the “blockbuster” format, ie high production one-shot style events, and where?

Pre-Death Row Tupac or Death Row Era Tupac?

This is so hard to me man because a lot of my favorite songs like nothing to lose, pain, if I die 2nite, changes etc was made before deathrow but a lot of fire like starin thru my rearview, holla at me, troublesome, letter 2 my unborn og etc also came on deathrow.

What y’all think?

"> This is so hard to me man because a lot of my favorite songs like nothing to lose, pain, if I die 2nite, changes etc was made before deathrow but a lot of fire like starin thru my rearview, holla at me, troublesome, letter 2 my unborn og etc also came on deathrow. What y’all think?

Book of the Day, January 22nd - Love Isn’t Always the Answer by Shelley L. Levisay

Book of the Day, January 22nd - Love Isn’t Always the Answer by Shelley L. Levisay

![img](kb5iw28rviee1 "January 22nd Book of the Day!") Book of the Day, January 22nd – Non-Fiction, Rated 4 Stars   Temporarily Discounted on Kindle! Get your copy below:   [](   *Love Isn’t Always the Answer* by Shelley L. Levisay   This book earned a 4-star rating from an Official []( reviewer and an Amazon reviewer! It is available at a special heavily discounted rate of $0.99 for one day only! Hurry and get it now before the price goes up.   \----------   From the author:   “Despite Shelley’s successes, she felt inferior because she was still single at 30. In her desperation, she met him—a man who abused her into someone she didn't recognize. It took an arrest before she overcame it all.”   *“Love Isn’t Always the Answer”* by Shelley L. Levisay is a memoir that shares Shelley’s journey through a toxic relationship with Matthew… Shelley took me on a rollercoaster of emotions throughout my reading, from anger during their early dating to sympathy and anxiety, especially during the tense court sessions. \~ OBC reviewer   \----------   \#NonFiction #SexualAssault #Memoir #DiscountedBooks   [](

Get ready to meet the new Samsung Galaxy S series, your true AI companion. Save this post or visit u/Samsung_Mobile at 10am PST.

Get ready to meet the new Samsung Galaxy S series, your true AI companion. Save this post or visit u/Samsung_Mobile at 10am PST.

Solution for missing piece

Hello, everyone!!

I've purchased a Bauer S 204 XL Super 8 a while ago but have since lost a piece of it, that part that goes on the bottom and holds the batteries in (idk the name of it so I highlighted in the picture). I've tried to buy it online but, as expected for such a small piece, couldn't find anything. Can you guys help me? Does anyone know where I can buy a new one? Have some spare parts? Or have any idea of another solution that would make the camera functional again (just adding something to keep the batteries in doesn't work)?

Thanks in advance <3

(This is my first time posting, sorry if I broke any rules or something)

"> Hello, everyone!! I've purchased a Bauer S 204 XL Super 8 a while ago but have since lost a piece of it, that part that goes on the bottom and holds the batteries in (idk the name of it so I highlighted in the picture). I've tried to buy it online but, as expected for such a small piece, couldn't find anything. Can you guys help me? Does anyone know where I can buy a new one? Have some spare parts? Or have any idea of another solution that would make the camera functional again (just adding something to keep the batteries in doesn't work)? Thanks in advance <3 (This is my first time posting, sorry if I broke any rules or something)

asking someone who can read this. is the result normal?

Adding "REFERENCE ONLY" Centre in UCAS

Hello everyone, I am finishing up my UCAS application. I know I need to add a buzzword. My counsellor asked me to add a reference only buzzword but I did not see the option to choose between full application and reference only. My question is how can I add a reference only link to my UCAS profile? Any help would be greatly appreciated

Josh Allen 0.1 seconds after being tapped on the shoulder

Dude, Where's My Car? (2000) tried to introduce a new word into the lexicon. It failed spectacularly.

16F Have completed by SST syllabus! What to focus on now PYQ's or SQP's??

I (20f) lived at home for my undergraduate degree. Feeling more worried and less inclined to move out for my postgraduate degree

Hi all So i am currently a 3rd year undergrad who stayed at home for university as accomodation was too expensive for me to afford. I didn’t enjoy living at home at first, I felt like i was missing out on something. However, I soon didn’t mind it as I enjoyed coming home to my family and some socialisation. As the field of work I want to go into requires me to do a postgraduate degree, me and my parent’s plan since my 1st year undergrad was to stay at home for the undergraduate, save up the SFE loan i have access to, then use that for accomodation during my 2-year postgraduate degree. I was excited for this as I have always been independent and looking forward to moving out. However, I want to go to a university a couple of hours away from my home, and I will be starting my masters in september 2026. As this is fairly close now, part of me feels less excited and actually, more scared to move out, simply because it is the unknown but part of me doesn’t want to be away from family. Are these feelings normal? I don’t know if it differs because I am moving out for the first time for my postgraduate, whereas most people’s first time moving out to university would be during their undergraduate, so may be offered more support. Has anyone got any tips? Thank you :)

He promised never again. He lied.

Skins for Patriots:/firefighter:torchbearer/lionhearth:Peacemaker/swat:Veteran

Hi :) Again

How often are you on call? How many properties/units/facilities are on your rotation? What qualifies as an emergency call? About how often do you get called out?

-1 week out of the month -5 properties so about 800 units -no heat under 60 degrees, no AC over 80, no functioning toilet, no water in unit, anything that will cause more damage if left until the morning -tough to tell, this is my first rotation at this job and it coincided with several days of sub zero temps, I will have an easy 60hrs at the end of the week


No lowballs, over 23x5+ NO OG email but I’ve had it for almost 6 months now no issues plus I have receipts don’t offer if not comfortable

That moment when work just... works. It’s time to give your team a platform they’ll actually love—intuitive, easy to use, built to streamline work and achieve goals faster.

That moment when work just... works. It’s time to give your team a platform they’ll actually love—intuitive, easy to use, built to streamline work and achieve goals faster.

Painted with love

So this is the hoodie I painted. Ref: Tyler the creator

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Hello Kitty & Friends Blind Bags! My First Time Getting These!!

I can chat as ur any fav acctress if u feed

1 Coldplay ticket - G7 lower - 26th show - @ MRP

I had bought 4 tickets but since one of my friends backed out, selling one. Can give f2f in Ahmedabad

"> I had bought 4 tickets but since one of my friends backed out, selling one. Can give f2f in Ahmedabad

Rep. Meuser to Newsmax: Trump Will End Russia-Ukraine War - skúsenosti

Dám sem len krátku skúsenosť s touto stránkou / spoločnosťou... Objednával som nejakú banalitu za 3,5€. K tomu bola doprava (packeta) + 1€ Platba kartou + 0€ dal som košík, automaticky sa doplnili údaje a klikol objednať. V momente, keď nabehla platobná brána, tak už cena bola 7,5€ So škrípajúcimi zubami som to odklikol a išiel zisťovať kde je pes zakopaný... Takže spoločnosť defaultne má zaškrtnuté malé okienko - "ochrana zásielky" za +1€ a zároveň malými písmenami, že k objednávke sa započíta +2€ "manipulačné a balné" Sú to len šušne, nejde mi o tie tri eurá... ide mi o princíp, kedy som zvyknutý, že niečo má nejakú cenu + dopravu a to platím a nie skryté položky, malé písmená, zaškrtnuté služby, ktoré nechcem... Tak som si len povedal, že im za tie tri eurá aspoň spravím reklamu ;))) Za mňa posledný nákup. Snáď im to za tie tri eurá stálo :D

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